Thailand Convention Ambassador Programme recognises and brings together distinguished leaders and experts from academia, professions and industries in which convention is a key driver for development and advancement. With exceptional stature and strong ties in target fields, Thailand Convention Ambassadors help amplify Thailand’s position as leading convention destination and multiply the country’s opportunity to serve international associations in its path to regenerating legacy and leaving positive impact.
Convention Ambassador will help support and promote Thailand’s convention industry by proactively collaborating with respective networks of domestic and international associations, organisations, and/or partners in their convention bidding journey, as well as encourage and inspire others to join force in further developing and advancing target industries, professions, and subject matters. As a shared long-term goal with TCEB, Convention Ambassador helps cement Thailand’s position as a preferred convention destination.
TCEB is committed to expand the programme and equip Thailand with a strong network of Convention Ambassadors in various target industries such as medical, robotics, agriculture, and food in order to strengthen Thailand’s competitiveness in a sustainable way.
中部 享受曼谷的都市繁华。
北部 感受独特的兰纳文化,亦或沉浸于清迈的现代艺术和丰富生态。
南部 在普吉岛——这座被联合国教科文组织提名为“美食创意城市”的南部城市,近距离感知中葡文化。
东部 让灵魂漂浮在芭提雅的滨海氛围中。
东北部 现代城市孔敬的伊桑文化令人惊叹;这里也是通往中南半岛的门户。