Mega Events and World Festivals <br>Department</br>

Mega Events and World Festivals

Generate Attention and Attendance


Thailand has been a top ranked travel destination for decades. With so many diverse choices of inspiring destinations, each with their own distinctive charms, it is no wonder that so many global travellers flock to Thailand. With full-scale partnership from major collaborators along with strong government support, your international festivals and events will be fully facilitated – supports of creative resources, specialised workforce and international networks in order to leverage them to become a colourful, roaring success. Engage the world in our captivating destination for your international festivals and events.




Empowering Thailand with Festival Economy

Success Story

These numerous testimonials validate our accomplishments. We can't wait to add your journey to our list. Facilitating Robust International Trade

Generate Attention and

Feel the impact of ‘festivalisation’ and discover Thailand’s prominent festival culture and hospitality that will elevate your event content. Let us redefine your international gala with a winning collaboration, and weave the Thai diversity and inclusive culture into your event content for an iconic brand.

5 Events Formats TCEB will support

Arts & Culture Events are events or festivals that revolve around human creativity, culture and social life such as: educational films, puppet, theatre, culinary arts and visual arts which include painting, sculpture, photography and other visual media.

Entertainment Events are events or festivals that revolve around human creativity, fashion, product design, computer graphics, lifestyle items presentation that are produced in the form of performances, workshops, high-tech presentations, visual media or even the use of the destination as the background with lighting and performance.

Creative & Lifestyle Eventsare events that revolve around human creativity, fashion, product design, computer graphics, lifestyle items presentation that are produced in the form of performances, workshops, high-tech presentations, visual media or even the use of the destination as the background with lighting and performance.

Thailand 4.0 Eventsare events that apply technology in key S-curve industries under Thailand 4.0 policy including robotic competition and e-sport entertainment. The event may require specialists or experts in applying technology and or presenting new innovation as well as tech show in festival style.

Mass Participation Eventsare lifestyle sports events which required to have a huge number of participants, have creative challenge for individual to compete. The event itself, creates the new leisure movement in the city, the opportunity to show the city’s famous sport in order to serve the real experience to participants. It’s definitely a sports for all!

Mega Events and World Festivals Department

Ms. Parichat Svetasreni

Ms. Parichat Svetasreni


Bidding Section

Mrs.Salisa Legras

Mrs.Salisa Legras

Project Manager

Business Development Section

Mr. Watchara Kongphalanon

Mr. Watchara Kongphalanon

Senior Manager

Mrs. Kulwadee Pattamas

Mrs. Kulwadee Pattamas


Ms. Supatsara Unyapho

Ms. Supatsara Unyapho
