As part of the partnership co-creating role under the new branding “Thailand Redefine Your Business”, TCEB has played a part in connecting Thai organizer, Expolink Global Network, and two German organizers, Euro Expo and Landemesse Stuttgart GmbH. The two sides finally agreed to collaborate in launching a new show in intra-logistic industry, “LogiMAT Intelligent Warehouse”, in Bangkok during 13 and 15 May 2020. The show will be ASEAN’s first and largest intra-logistic trade show.
TCEB Senior Vice President - Business, Mrs. Nichapa Yoswee, recently joined the agreement signing ceremony of the two organizers, delivering congratulatory speech for the collaboration and highlighting the bright prospect of intra-logistic industry and e-commerce in Thailand and TCEB support campaigns for trade shows.
LogiMAT is the leading international trade fair in Germany featuring intra-logistics solutions and process management. Thailand has become the second Asian country, following China, that the German show makes its debut. Intelligent Warehouse is Thai trade show supported by TCEB since 2015. The collaboration is a big leap for Intelligent Warehouse in enhancing its international profile.